School & Teacher Support

School & Teacher Support

As school districts consider adding a Bible Literacy course to their curricular offerings, EIE provides the following services to support the administration and faculty:
  • Quality Educational Resources. EIE’s textbook, The Bible and Its Influence, is the only First Amendment safe program supporting academic Bible study in the public schools. Having been introduced in more than 640 schools in 44 states across the nation, this resource has been widely accepted among educators for its quality educational content. It has never faced a legal challenge.

  • Course Proposal Development. EIE provides support during the review process and has developed a model for preparing and submitting a course proposal. EIE’s consultants walk administrators through the process and assist teachers in implementing a successful program.

  • Teacher Training. When the selection process is completed and teachers are preparing to introduce the program, a one-day training workshop will be provided at no charge either onsite or via teleconference. This workshop will focus on appropriate instructional strategies, an effective communications plan, and initial lesson preparation.
When teaching about the Bible in a public school, teachers must understand the important distinction between advocacy, indoctrination, proselytizing, and the practice of religion – which is unconstitutional – and teaching about religion that is objective, nonjudgmental, academic, neutral, balanced, and fair – which is constitutional.

The Teacher’s Edition of The Bible and Its Influence provides instructional tools and strategies to ensure a rigorous academic program for students. The teacher’s edition includes a wrap-around design of instructional notes, critical thinking activities, and connections and applications to other academic content areas. Teacher materials also include Pacing Guides, Lesson Plans, Graphic Organizers, Chapter and Unit Tests, and Unit Project and Writing Activities with rubrics.

The book is designed for a full-year course, but may be used to teach a semester course within English/Language Arts or Social Studies. The first part of the book covers the Hebrew Scriptures and the second part is a study of the New Testament.

The Teacher's Edition comes with a CD containing Blackline Masters of student activities and projects, a pacing guide, graphic organizers, chapter and unit tests, unit biographies, unit project activities and unit writing activities. It also has chapter and unit tests. This resource has been designed to assist the teacher with planning, instruction, and assessment of the course. The teacher edition is comprehensive yet very easy to use.

Both student and teacher editions are available in print or digital versions.

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